
Keytracker has been the main provider of key management systems to the automotive industry for over 25 years including workshops, dealerships, garages and private hire companies

The Top Solution for Managing Automotive Keys & Valuable Equipment

For around 25 years, Keytracker has been the leading provider of key management systems for the automotive industry. Keytracker systems will be found in workshops, garages, depots, dealerships, and private hire companies throughout the UK.

Professional businesses within the automotive industry require a wide variety of car key solutions. Keytracker has vast experience in this sector following installations that handle many different situations, both across the UK and worldwide, making this a trustworthy source of information with the ability to accurately assess client’s current processes and update them as necessary.

Keytracker mechanical products store keys in the UK’s only police approved secure commercial key cabinets and work together to pair keys and vehicles on forecourts with secure matching key positions and authorised users. Allowing staff to quickly and easily identify vehicles, eliminating time spent searching for the right key whilst helping to reduce customer wait times.

Keytracker electronic products use the latest software and state of the art hardware to tell the whole story of both vehicles and users whilst sending automatic alerts and reports as required to help management become more efficient and increase profitability.

Some dealerships have over 2,000 vehicles in stock at any one time. The challenge of managing large quantities of keys requires precisely the right system to ensure smooth and efficient operations, respecting the time involved of both customers and employees.

Automotive Blogs

The Cost of Poor Key Management | Beyond Lock and Key: Enhancing Security | Unlocking Customer Satisfaction

Contact Keytracker for All of Your Commercial Automotive Key & Equipment Needs

Keytracker automotive key management systems will help to streamline and simplify all client processes, whether a large car dealership, an independent with a few cars, a depot or a pre-delivery inspection centre. The Keytracker product range features a wide variety of solutions to keep track of keys and improve operational efficiency.

Keytracker lockers also use the same technology for out of hours collection and drop off of keys or equipment.

Your auto garage or dealership likely has expensive tools and equipment. With RFID technology and advanced software, you can keep better track of these items. Administrators can then review who checked which items out, providing greater accountability and security.

Steve Pearce, Operations Manager at Motor Range Liverpool, said:

 “The Keytracker System has proved invaluable to us, since we have had the system in place we are able to track the whereabouts of every key on site and only authorised users can access the cabinet and retrieve the key that is securely locked in place, this control has meant that since having the system not a single key has been misplaced or lost.”

“We have also seen some fantastic operational benefits to having the system too, our team take more accountability to ensure the keys are returned, the system has had a favourable impact on insurance premiums and countless man-hours have been saved looking for lost or misplaced keys”

Keys Are Always Telling a Story About When They Were Used, by Whom & For How Long

This is an example of some of the advantages gained by Motor dealers using Keytracker to save time and increase security:

Ensure keys are always secure, exactly where they should be, or in the safe hands of a known authorised employee. The anti-tamper seals ensure no individual key theft, even when off-site. Ensure the keys are always available to all, not tucked away or unavailable. Instant reports show which cars were most viewed or demonstrated. How long successful sales staff took on demonstrations. Which cars were used by which staff & when. Pre-booking ensures availability to others until required. It can be linked to the website showing cars for sale the second they are plugged into the sales cabinet and “sold” as soon as they are plugged into the valeting cabinet. Vehicle reports show how many times a vehicle was accessed, when and by whom.

Site position reports show the site layout and frequency of demonstrations. Numbered vehicle mirror hangers, matching numbered key positions, numbered Keytracker pegs and a tamperproof seal make obtaining keys fast, secure and efficient. User reports show which individual accessed vehicles, when & for how long. The parking bay report shows where that vehicle is parked. Car blocking reports show which other vehicles also need moving. Workshop reports show how long different technicians took to work on vehicles.

Pre-delivery inspection centre reports show days on-site. Aged & site analysis can assist with marketing decisions. Secure cabinets with fast access to authorised staff can be self-closing, self-locking with additional security and alarms.

The UK’s only police approved secure commercial key cabinets

How Keytracker Can Help

manage your key systems efficiently with keytracker

Improved Efficiency

Increase security with keytracker

Improved Security

increase productivity with Keytracker solutions

Improved Productivity

Keytracker solutions for key tracking in real time

Faster Services

Product Range

Case Studies

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Get in Touch

Ready to take control of your keys and assets with Keytracker? Don't wait any longer - get in touch with us today! Whether you're looking to enhance security, streamline operations, or boost efficiency, our team is here to help. Contact us now to learn more about our innovative solutions and discover how Keytracker can transform your business. Let's unlock success together!